Articles, Publications, Reports

Living or Merely existing? The experiences of male survivors of historical sexual abuse in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

This report summarises the findings from the first stage of a research project funded through the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and undertaken by the charitable organisation Male Survivors Aotearoa. The stage detailed in this document generally describes the lived experience of male survivors of sexual abuse in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The second stage of the project will overview survivors’ experience of support, particularly in relation to peer support approaches.

Male survivors of sexual violence and abuse (SVA): Barriers and facilitators to reporting and accessing services

Sexual violence and abuse (SVA) is most typically presented as a gender-based problem due to the higher prevalence and incidence rates recorded for women. This has led to male victimisation being overlooked in research, practice and policy, despite international statistics demonstrating that a significant number of men experience SVA across their lifespan.

Exploring male childhood sexual abuse survivors' experiences of specialist counselling services

Global estimates suggest 5% to 10% of men report experience of childhood sexual abuse (CSA). However, male CSA is significantly underreported, with men being reluctant to disclose due to vulnerability, stigmatisation, homophobic responses and fearing a loss of masculinity. A lack of research and service provision targeted towards men suggests male survivors of CSA are marginalised. This qualitative study, using a narrative approach, focussed on four adult male survivors of CSA.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start from where you are and change the ending”

- CS Lewis